I went to see Ariela’s gravesite yesterday. Skylawn is about a mile from the Pacific Ocean. From the edge of the cemetery, you can see a sliver of the water. That’s when it’s not foggy.
As soon as I got out of my car, a cold wind grabbed me. Wind and fog – Ariela’s kind of weather. I went back to my car for my sweatshirt and started to climb up the hill to Ariela’s site. I was so teary that I couldn’t find her marker. I saw Chinese names and then Spanish names. Where were the Jewish names?
I got confused and thought I might have to go back to the office and ask for directions. Then I remembered the cypress tree and the boxwood hedge.
I started to walk towards my landmarks and saw she already had a visitor. Can you see him overlooking her grave? He was too still to be real. I took one step forward. He turned and looked at me. We stared at each other for a while. I remembered how much Ariela liked Bambi when she was a little girl. She’d watch that video with the look of wonder little kids get when everything is believable.
A few more steps. This was his territory, and I intruded on his space. He belonged. I was the visitor. He stood and continued to gaze in my direction. Still on guard.
I approached as quietly as I could, thinking maybe, just maybe, he might stay. One step at a time.
Hi, I just felt like reading this one again. Beautiful.
Thanks, Riki. Wishing you much love and peace in the year ahead.
I think he truly was a kindred spirit. Ariela and the deer are one. How beautiful. I hope you can take comfort from this phenomena when you have the darker hours. Love and may it be a good New Year. Riki
Lovely Penni Thorpe Flower Essences, Yoga and Therapeutic Touch penni@healingflowerenergies.com
Website and Blog: http://www.healingflowerenergies.com you-tube: pennithorpe
cell 650-218-5163
Looks like a picture Ariela would have loved to paint.
How lovely and very special. Thanks for sharing.
Sejal, Thanks for your support and advice.
I have missed your posts and was so moved by this one. Your love for your daughter – then and now – is so real and eternal. And I am sure that Bambi is a frequent visitor, standing vigil over a spot that honors a beautiful soul. Thank you for sharing these moments with us.
Harriet, Beautifully done. You bring us into your grief so gracefully.
Oh, Harriet, I could NEVER imagine what it’s like to loose a child nor would I want. But I can feel your pain and emptiness. I am very fortunate to have my two wonderful daughters, but they have their new lives to live. I think about them every day, all the time.
Thanks, Ken, for being a faithful reader.
Welcome back! I missed your posts. More, More. Great story.
Beautiful. I, too, have missed your writing. Did the little Bambi stay a bit longer?
What do you think?
Beautiful writing, beautiful photo.
Thanks, but don’t you think I better camera? Time to upgrade my iPhone.
lovely. how i have missed your writing and the nudging of my heart.
Thanks, Susi.